Weight loss has become a common phenomenon and nine out of ten women are worried that they are too fat and wandering on the road to losing weight. Seeing female models and celebrities with envious figures and wanting to have that slim body shape, they often go through various ways to make themselves thinner. Before girls question their weight, calculate your body mass index once to know if you need to lose weight or not. How do you calculate a girl's body mass index? What should a girl do if she is on the chubby side?

How to calculate body mass index

The BMI is an internationally accepted health index that measures whether a person's weight is at a normal indicator. The specific formula is: weight kg/height m squared. The world standard is slightly different from our own because the body conditions of the European and American races are different from those of the Asian race, who generally have a smaller bone structure.

Therefore, China also has its own BMI standard, through this method to calculate the index if between 18.5 and 23.9 is considered normal, below this value is thin, more than 24 is obese, more than 28 is considered obese.

What to do if a girl is fat

By using this index you will know that many girls are not obese at all, but just look fat in their body shape. It is not necessary to go on a diet or use drugs to lose weight.

The first thing to do is to reduce carbohydrate intake in your diet, balance protein and vitamins, and don't eat dinner past eight o'clock to allow more digestion time.

In fact it is important to be careful not to stay up late, staying up late can affect intestinal function and normal metabolism, and more likely to eat extra meals for late night snacking, all of which are causes of gaining weight.

The last thing is to keep exercising, 10,000 steps a day is all it takes to lighten up and burn off the energy consumed. Add some weight exercise to maintain a higher muscle mass and the body will become slimmer.

Girls should not lose weight blindly, as it can harm their bodies and may cause a strong rebound that is not worth the cost. After calculating your body mass index, eat a good meal in peace!